Check Out Annies TV Background Here
A n n i e B e r t u c c i
TV and ENTERTAINMENT Employment History:
KRCR-News Channel 7- (ABC) -755 Auditorium Drive,
Redding, CA 96001 (530) 243-7777 -
1995 - May 2000 (1997 to June 2000 MASTER CONTROL
On Air Switcher, Licensed FCC Radiotelephone Operator, Society Broadcast Engineers, (SBE) ... 97-99 Simultaneously running
KAEF, Eureka/Fortuna and KRCR Redding/Chico, using AVID On Air/Transmitters/(Mt. Bally) Local Video Broadcasting/ Live Local
Shows and ABC NETWORK NEW YORK LIVE NFL Monday NIght Football.
Directing Live shots/All aspects of Engineering
Equipment Operation/ Traffic/Play lists / V. O. Commercials/ ABC Program Line-ups on air/ Solo Prime Time shift/ High Stress
Capacity, and loving it!
1995-1997- (First 2 years:) PRODUCTION: Title: News
Video Coordinator- All live newscasts/Camera/Floor Director, Technical Director, CG Operator, Directed Live Teases, Field Reporting/Packages/Editing/Stand-ups.
MUSIC BEDS: 30 spots, ID's, Promo Beds, News Beds...V.
O. and Music Production., Client Jingles, & Singing/
Post Production Editing/Assisting/Coordinating
RCAC CHANNEL 11 - Redding Cable Access Channel- Eastside Road, Redding, CA 96002- 1997-2000
Ongoing- Producer/Director/ Technical Director/
Floor Director- Set up, Camera for Live shots,
All Funding For Redding Community- Earning on air time,
and all equipment usage. As compensation, along with
flat rate hourly on video editing projects
2001-2002 Audio/Soundtrack MASTERS CREATION- Contracted
for USC FILM SCHOOL Graduate Students- Los Angeles, CA - Computer Video Consultant, Sountrack Engineer, Production, Foley Work, Overdubs, and Music Beds. Contracted out
by Students for Audio overdubs. Original Soundtrack Scores, Minor Acting, production consulting for future Directors.
A Sole Proprietorship......
Self-Employed Musician/Vocalist/Studio Commercials/Engineer/Producer/
Journalism Copy/Video Assisting (Pre-Production/Post Production/editing) Songwriter/Publisher Performances live/Voice-Overs/Movie
Performances music/Publishing songs for sales/ Background music for commercials/ videos-movies
1984-2005 Top-40 Performances Nightclubs/
1994- Parrot Video.. San Juan Capistrano, CA
Editing/Production Coordination
Musical venues Clients include: Reubens Restaurants Chain, Red Lion Ontario & Costa Mesa,Charley Browns,
Holiday Inns, Sheraton Universal, Wilshire Hyatt, Reuben E. Lee (San Diego & Newport Beach) Las Vegas
1993-1995 Top 40 Band) Michael's Nightclub
Dana Point
1994-1995-House Band (Television Commercial Aired
Orange County 4 months- 12 daily- with Our Performances
1990-1995 Triton Entertainment Lead Vocals Soundtracks
(Movie Music Publishing) THE NOWHERE MAN
1989-1993 A & M Records Lead Vocals
(Publishing Demos) Rubin/Speck
1980-1984 (Promoting Solo Albums World-wide)
Anne Bertucci 1-2-3
1982-83 Jeff Baxter Band- Vocalist/ Background
Director March of Dimes Telethon- Syndicated Broadcasts- Japan Television performances-Jeff Baxter
1978-1980 Major Touring: The Baby's
1990-2000 Studio Contracting Jingles, backgrounds.
1998-2000 Tribute Show: Janis Joplin/Stevie
Nicks CAL EXPO/Disneyland Hotel/Silver Legacy (Reno), Peppermill, Mammoth Lakes.
2001- "Women In Rock" MWR Military Tour-Iceland,
Bosnia,Kosovo, Macedonia,Germany,Hungary - AKA PRODUCTIONS
2000-2003 (Annie's Original / Top 40 Band)
4 STORIES- Japan- Bosnia, Kosovo, Germany, Austria, and Domestic Venues. Military Tours
2001-2004 California Girls- (Sub or
5th Member) (Keyboardist/Singer/Saxaphone) Japan, Singapore, Diego Garcia, China, Korea and the United States .
Large Arena and Show Stages (Opening for Beach Boys . Safari's, Steppenwolf, and Surf Music Shows)
MWR Military Tours - Department Of Defense Tours ASKED TO COME BACK! Bosnia, Kosovo, Germany - AND current listings
for Multi-Military Tours upcoming!
HOME 4 STORIES FROM BOSNIA/KOSOVO" performing LIVE for the entire Colorado Blvd. parade route. All LOCAL TELEVISION
and MEDIA broadcasts in the Los Angeles/ Pasadena Areas. Appearance on Fred Willard Broadcast-PBS
2005- MAR-APR (As Keyboardist/Vocalist) California
Girls AFGHANISTAN TOUR- Including Bosnia- Military MWR playing in FORWARD OPERATIONAL BASES downrange Afghanistan.
2005-SUMMER-WINTER- 4 STORIES (Keyboardist/Vocalist)
Playing COMMERCE CASINO in Los Angeles doing ROCK Show ,TOP 40 DANCE, and percussion work.
CURRENTLY Playing with Numerous Local Los
Angeles Artists and Bands: Singing Backgrounds/featured Vocals/Rhythm Keyboards , Saxophone (light) or Heavy
Percussion for Californai Girls 2000-2007 Performances as keyboardist for Undercover Girls, and Token
Male. Vocalist for The Johnny Jordan Band performing in assorted venues: Moustache Cafe (Chocolat Bar), Showcases, and
Private Events.
For A Copy
of Annie's COMMERCIAL(3/4 INCH TAPE) Video Resume Tape or VOICE OVER CD ...Send your requests to: